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Los Angeles and Things of Randomness

Fun time at the 2015 Los Angeles Auto Show

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The LA Auto show is one of the biggest car shows in LA. Taking place in the Los Angeles Convention Center, this event showcases many of the newest models for cars that will be releasing the upcoming year. Like most car shows, brands will bring all their lines and put them on display in hopes consumers will keep their brand in mine whether they are buying a new car. Whether you are looking for a new car or are a car enthusiast, this is an inexpensive event that is fun for family and friends.

I have been going to the LA Auto show for a few years now and every year I have seen improvements with the design and layout of the show. I enjoy seeing the newest models of cars and every year, there are at least 30 new cars to see that are all loaded up with the latest technology and performance updates.

It seems to me that all the the brands need to find ways to keep people in their sections for as long as they can. So they have created many games and activities for everyone to participate. You will most likely blow through the sections that do not have any activities, especially if it is a car manufacturer you are not especially fond about.

The structure of the LA Auto Show is usually broken up into different sections — economy, luxury, exotic and aftermarket. The platforms for all the cars in the different categories are well organized and makes sure you will be able to see every brand and all their lines.

Interactions at the LA Auto show are increasing more and more each year. In 2014, the event held many customer interactions such as throw paper airplanes through a hoop to win a prize, or win swag from a machine by instagramming pictures. This year is no different with more manufacturers creating more innovative ways to keep you in their booth areas. Here are a list of some of the things I did at the car show.

la car show 3Subaru – VR and green screen – This virtual reality set straps you into a mechanical chair that moves as you view through the VR headset. The experience is to make you feel as if you are actually in the car. The content showcases the new sensors and safety controls that are loaded up in the newest Subaru cars. After the little demonstration, it kicks off to a action video where you are sitting next to a professional drifter riding through a race track.

Next to the virtual reality booth is a green screen where you can take pictures with your family or friends. After you take a picture, you can modify what background you want and let your creativity go wild by putting silly stickers on the photograph.

Scion – autograph signing – This year, Scion is having a lot of different celebrities come in for autograph signings from special guests, Robert Kirkman, Andrew Reynolds, Steve Aoki and Eddie huang.

Toyota – I did not stay at Toyota for a long time but they had announcers who were preparing giveaways to audience members if they answer short questions.

Kia – Hamster – Kia had a booth where you can take a picture with their hamster mascot.

Ford – Spinning Chairs – These spinning chairs at Ford were bolted to the ground and let you spin as fast as you can. It is a fun little break if you have been walking around for some time.

Random games – There are random little arcade style games around the the booths such as car parking simulators, auto racing cars, and reflex games.

Test driving cars – You can test drive as many of the latest model cars as you can where the course is driving around streets of the convention center. Some of the brands will give you a free gift for test driving such as battery power banks. Unfortunately, I do not think you can test drive any manual transmission cars.

Sitting in cars and photographs – This is a given but sitting in the cars and taking pictures of all the latest cars is one of the most entertaining things to do at the show. You can sit and feel the comfort of your dream car and take as many pictures as you want in the well lit show casings of all the cars. If you are looking for a new car, this also a quick and efficient way to get a good feel of as many cars as you can without having to drive from dealer to car show

Overall, the LA Auto Show is worth going to at least once in your life. It is only here once a year and for $15, you can see and test drive all the newest cars, and see all the latest technologies car companies have loaded up their vehicles with. You can also get a free voucher at participating local dealerships. Just ask for a voucher and you can get a buy one get one free deal for the convention center.

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